Applying does NOT affect your FICO® credit score! The consent for an electronic signature, communication, records, and disclosuresAll users are advised to read and understand all the information provided here before submitting any data on the site or doing any form of electronic business. By accepting the terms and conditions recorded on the website and providing your information on the online form on the site, you hereby agree that you have thoroughly read and internalized how you should carry out transactions, utilize electronic communication, submit a request to be provided with an appropriate lender and cooperate with available lenders on the platform. The moment a matching lender is found, you will be required to give your approval to use e-signatures, disclosures, accept electronic recording, and e-communication to facilitate the provision of the services that you’ve requested. Applying does NOT affect your FICO® credit score! HardcopiesAt your discretion, you may request to be served with a hard copy of the legal notices as well as to disclosures at no additional costs. However, the request must be directed to your lender since they may store some hard copies of the loan documents in accordance with the law. The scope of the consentAll the communication is inclusive of but in no way limited to any online communication through a smartphone, mobile phone, and tablets are all treated as electronic communication. As such, the E-consent is applicable when there is any e-communication by the various means that happens between the lender and yourself. The complete admission of e-consent means that your personal data can be gathered and processed electronically, documents can be signed electronically, as well as performing electronic transactions. In addition, it is also possible that your lender may choose to send you some electronic notifications like but not limited to reports, links to third-party providers, disclosures, links to other online services or products. By giving your e-consent, you agree that all the e-communication that happens bears the same weight as communication through hard copy documents. Important note: conducting an electronic business requires that all the participating parties possess all the hardware and software tools necessary to accomplish the processes. Therefore, before you give your e-consent, it is good to make sure that you have equipment that is capable of completing the transactions. Here are the hardware and software requirements: A MAC or PC or any other device that can access the internet, an active email address, an internet browser that can support 128bit encryption like Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft internet explorer or Netscape, a PDF reader such as Foxit or Adobe Acrobat Reader. However, you should also realize that different types of transactions may require some more facilities. To be certain of what is required, please contact the lender you are working with. Withdrawing ConsentPlease be advised that your e-consent for our loan matching service and the handling of your personal data by the affiliated third-party lenders is always a one-time event and as such, you cannot opt to withdraw. However, after you have been provided with a lender, it is possible to withdraw your consent with the lender in question by filing a request with them. Nevertheless, always remember that this action can stop the lender from giving you offers or credit service. In addition, you are advised to note that your e-consent withdrawal will in no way affect the validity, legal effectiveness, and enforceability of any previous disclosures. If you wish to learn more information about the exact procedures, feel free to contact your lender. In the event where you have changed some personal information like mailing address and electronic address, always take the initiative to communicate with your lender so that your data will be updated accordingly. Applying does NOT affect your FICO® credit score! Do you have any further questions? OR Our Company |